From eternity there exists only I and nothing else. I am the one, constant and unchangeable throughout eternity. I am seen in all things and express myself in all things both visible and invisible. I am the Almighty, the living one who creates all things, and maintains all things. All things are mine for my pleasure.
This I represents consciousness, an exalted awareness that all must attain to at the end. If the little I be lifted from the earth (human sense) in what is called the resurrection, then you will know the true divine I that sits above all upon the pinnacle of Zion. Then you will rest and rule over all.
This sweet savor to the discerning man will have far reaching implications that will cause all human strongholds to crumble and dissolve forever.To the human mind it sounds atheist and blasphemous, very much like denying and dishonoring an outer supreme being called God. The truth is that I Am that true God and eternal life and besides me there is no other one presently and in the ages to come. I only inhabit eternity, worlds without end.
Every sleepy must hear this voice and like a stream flow into this unique river of life to live. The kingdoms, nations and tribes of the earth must unite with the knowledge of I. I must be exalted in the consciousness of the nations because only I have that life that you seek.
The whole idea of God as men know it to be came alive when man slips out of true consciousness into a deep sleep of death. In this state of loss of consciousness the one becomes two in man’s imagination. The human ideology of God and man, good and evil is born.
Have you not heard that the two are one and what God has joined together let no man put asunder? To say there is another breaks that union that has been before time. This is the deceptive philosophy of this age that manifests itself in religion and the traditions of men. The deception robs man of the knowledge of the I, the Father of all thus plunging men into death.
Listen attentively, remember, rediscover and maintain yourself in this knowledge of the I. This is your inheritance forever. Tell no man, but rather rejoice silently in the knowledge of the glorious invisible I whose name is engraved eternally in heaven. Sing in your heart, “I live forever, and I own and inherit all things”.