If you hear the truth, never entertain fear but rather stand firm in what you hear. You have a sure end, one of great glory, of peace, of unspeakable riches and honor.
The calling with which you are called is unmovable. As the light of the inner voice guides you back to your place in splendorous glory, spontaneously you find yourself treading a path which no man has trodden.
The revelation light sets you apart, seperate from the men in this present age, but the unspeakable power of God will keep and shield you as you work this narrow path of life.
Yes many will not comprehend what you see and hear, and you will leave many on the other side of the spiritual divide. You will be misunderstood and thus rejected and reviled by men even by those you considered loved ones. Remember, I told you.
Console yourself in the the testimony of Joseph, because it is all recorded only for you. Say within youself, “I am the true eternal Joseph, greater than the proverbial Joseph who was manifested centuries ago”. I am the true interpretation of the dream as I work in life of the Father God.
The story of Joseph is an ensign of God’s infallible faithfulness in guiding and perfection the work in those that are called and choosen. Like Joseph, you the chosen to go ahead of the rest of the world to become the saviour of the world.
With the divine gift of discernment you see the dream and the vision and clearly understand it’s interpretation. You have been called to be king, the head, the Lord of all. All will eventually recognize the Lord in you and bow at His feet to live. Many will recognize this in the days of their flesh and many others even after they have departed this world.
Joseph was cast into a pit and somehow wound up on the most powerful throne in the world at that time. He went from persecution to the pit, from the pit to the prison, and finally to the throne.
In the new dispensation of life, you walk in the identity of the Father and are exalted out of the pit of mortality and the prison house of slavery to sin and corruption unto the supreme throne where you reign in sweet life. The throne is the Father’s, and having united with him in one Spirit are you granted the right to seat on that throne. I and the Father, God are one.
In my awakening, I have become the bread of life to generations past, present and to those to come. In this I enjoy the unlimited spiritual blessing of the Father, and in this light will the everlasting riches of the world beneath and the heavens above be my inheritance forever. All thing are mine.
I the all power within will keep you blameless in love and will provide your every need as you walk the the truth of being. Never fear neither become weary but rather ensure that you leave no stone unturned as you patiently stand in the revelation light of divinity in you.