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I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. (Revelations 1:8)

Moses's famous encounter with the invisible presence in the midst of the burning bush upon the isolated mountain heights of Sinai remains one of the highlights of the ancient sacred texts. Virtually every school of thought taps into this peculiar  historical event. His interaction with the voice declaring itself to be "I Am" is an awakening experience reserved for everyman in this present world. "I Am" is all that the great trump of God declares to mankind as it accomplishes the much anticipated awaking ushering mankind unto the dawn of a new eternal day. Hearing the great shout awakens all those sleeping in the graveyard of mortal living back into the one true endless life declaring itself to be "I Am".

Due to this symbolic encounter, after transiting this realm, to this very day the body of Moses was never found. Many years later alongside Elijah he would appear with Jesus in the glory cloud, a scene that speaks volumes. Many will argue that it is written that God buried Moses!!! I would rather you listen to what the Spirit says rather than letters, because the Spirit speaks life. We are admonished again and again to lend an attentive ear to what the Spirit is saying to the church, not just mere letters or any human reasoning.

To correct the erring human mind, the Father, God is not an undertaker, rather His preoccupation is to quicken the dead and crowning them with life. He is the God of the living not of the dead. Remember the words of Jesus, "let the dead bury the dead". So you err when you imagine God to be an undertaker who occupies himself with burying the dead.

Jude in a rather curious manner briefly wrote about the Archangel Michael and the Devil, contending over the body of Moses. No man can in any way understand this vision except it is given from above. This was the mighty angel that stood in the midst of the burning bush. The Archangel Michael is simply an allegory for the messenger(s) of God who simply manifests itself in this realm on behalf of God. It could be Paul, it could be John, and it could be you; anyone who lives on account of God can appear as the messenger Michael. It is a cooperate body of perfected spirits in heavenly places who speak with the voice of the Almighty, the "I Am".

You can also call him the arm of God upon the earth. He blows the last trumpet and gives the loud shout declaring the mystery of "I Am". He appears to quicken the saints who sleep in the dust (mortality) by simply transmitting the heartbeat of the Father unto them. This is seen in the vision of Daniel, when Michael referred to as the great prince, stands up on behalf of the people of God to deliver them from the power of the grave. The hour comes and now is when those who sleep in their graves hear this communication from God and awaken back into the life of "I Am". All these events are currently occurring in the midst of the earth but they are hidden from the outside world.

The Archangel (body of God’s messengers) stands and fights on behalf of the saints by revealing things hidden from the foundation of the world. In a nutshell it unveils the mystery of God to humanity and in this knowledge men are saved. This is the voice of the seventh angel mentioned in the book of revelation (Revelation 10:7). Like Moses, as you come in contact with revelation "I Am" there is a battle in your heavens to loosen you from every satanic belief that ties you to mortality and death. Death in this sense is the sensation of a life separate from the living God. Satan and his angels must be cast out of your heavens, meaning every spiritual stronghold that wars against the sacred knowledge of Christ is you abolished forever.

Moses's interaction with the “I Am” has been used as an example showing the path to eternal life. As it is written not all shall die, these are the sons of God who have rediscovered themselves in the "I Am". The Spirit affirms this when it declares, "You will not allow your holy one to see corruption". Moses qualified for this honor having ascended on high and stood on holy ground. This ascent is into the Spirit, "I Am", and standing on Holy ground will mean a total consecration to the presence that dwelt in the bush. During this most holy encounter, Moses was grafted in as a branch of that burning bush so that his appearance before Pharoah in Egypt was as God appearing to judge the prince of this world. All these are recorded for you who seek the glory of the Father.

Like Moses who stood before the burning bush, the will of God is that all men do the same and awaken to the reality of the mystery of this presence in the midst of it. While contemplating the depths, the heights and width of this great mystery, you will be converted into the same. All that the seeker of truth will ever need to do is to be still and in stillness behold this great spectacle. Stand still, see and hear, and lending from the words of Jesus, "you will see Satan falling like lightening". Meaning no more influence of death over you.

Blessed are your eyes and ears because they hear and see the mystery of "I Am" This is the true life eternal that man must rediscover to live again. This principal applies toall, it does not matter whether in the earthly material body or not, this is a must to be experienced at the appointed time of life, albeit in the real sense, not just in mere shadows. After this experience you like Moses will never be the same again, you would go on to live the rest of your life on account of that presence.

For years, a close friend of mine who is very gifted with visions would see the burning bush and the menorah (the seven golden candlesticks) all lighted up at intervals. The Lord began to reveal to me that they are indeed the same thing, and how that Moses's experience before the burning bush was a similar experience with that of John before the Alpha and Omega in the firstchapter of the book of revelation. Looking through the lenses of the Spirit, we can liken this burning bush to the seven lighted golden candlesticks in the midst of which walks the "I Am" who is the Alpha and the Omega, meaning the beginning and the end of all things. [Revelations 1:12-13, Revelations 2:1].   

To understand the seven golden candlesticks it is good to go back to the Old Testament bearing in mind that every bit of it is symbolic language revealing the mystery of this invisible presence declaring itself to be "I AM". It is no wonder that Moses would receive a blueprint of the earthly tabernacle with precise instruction to build it exactly the way it was revealed to him. What Moses received was simply an insight into the mystery of invisible I AM translated into material form. 

From the details of its design, the seven golden candlesticks depicts a golden flourishing almond tree with seven branches and seven flames. This is simply a shadow of its true eternal celestial counterpart in the heavens. It was beaten out of one piece of gold lump to demonstrate a divine unbreakable connection between the stem and the seven golden candlesticks.

Exodus 25:31  And thou shalt make a candlestick of pure gold: of beaten work shall the candlestick be made: his shaft, and his branches, his bowls, his knops, and his flowers, shall be of the same. 32  And six branches shall come out of the sides of it; three branches of the candlestick out of the one side, and three branches of the candlestick out of the other side:……….

The Spirit will again reveal that the seven branches are the seven churches. The Stem being the "I Am" who walks in the midst thereof.

Revelations 1:12  And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks; 13  And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man,……………………….20  The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches. 

The Spirit went to such detailed length as it instructed Moses to build the tabernacle, all to demonstrate man's interconnectivity with "I Am". The burning bush and the seven golden candlestick speak of the immaterial, imperishable spiritual body or system of the "I AM". It is unchangeable hence inconsumable by fire. When a man appears before that burning bush, like stubble, every carnal reasoning that obscures the mystery of this divine tree is burned up forever. This is synonymous with appearing before the judgment seat of Christ.  The whole idea of this most holy encounter is to get man to see the mystery of this celestial tree and consequently get consciously reconnected with it.

The I Am is the eternal tree in the heavens; it is the tree of life, and you are the branches divinely connected to it. This reality is something that has always been but man in his earthly experience loses track of this reality because of a mindset obscured by the influence of this material age. Let us refresh ourselves with the famous words of Jesus:

John 15:5-6  I Am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.

The "I Am" is the divine tree in the heavens and we are all branches or offshoots of it. Only in this pure knowledge can anyone bear fruits and experience the delightful realm of Eden. Everyman must know that he has no individual life of his own, he is rather an expression of the living one, the "I Am". Your stability, peace, joy, power and wellbeing all depends your ability to recognize and maintain yourself in this celestial system.

Anyone who becomes absent from this reality spontaneously becomes subject to man's mortal and perishable world of appearances and like Jesus says, he is gathered up by men and cast into the fire. This in the branch that is severed from the tree of life and thus withers off or the candlestick that is taken out of its place and hence it's light snuffed out.

That withered lifeless branch must once more come in contact with the eternal flames of truth and be dissolved forever so that what remains is the true spiritual branch connected to the divine vine. Every trace of the carnal human mentality must be dissolved as man comes face to face with that burning bush. The trimming and purging must go on and on as man maintains himself in this system of God.

In His capacity of a messenger of God, Jesus's appearance in this realm was for the sole purpose of revealing the secret of "I Am" to mankind. This secret is man's connectivity with God. Never did he come to advocate or form a new religion or a bunch of new rules, or even make an idol of his own flesh body, rather He came to reveal the true life of all men.  He never came to set up a church system on the earth, but rather to reveal to you that you are the church, the body and system of the "I Am". All that the laws and prophets ever said were simply veiled references to the "I Am".

"I Am" is the Spirit that fills all things; It is the Lord without beginning without end, the living one. "I Am" also represents the highest realm and consciousness which expresses itself in all things that do appear because besides it there is none else; it is the all. This is the eternal life that has manifested itself for all men to see and understand, and in it rests the consolation of all mankind. In it is found the fountain of pleasures...the joy of the whole earth.

It is written, "the earth and the inhabitants therein are the Lord's; things seen and unseen are all His". Who can understand these utterances, and who can truly know the answer to this riddle? This knowledge is hidden from the man of the earth even though he may think otherwise. Human reasoning is totally bankrupt of this exalted knowledge. The one who can understand this, is the one who has ascended consciously and stands on holy ground. This is the reason why the Spirit inspired writer further asks, "who shall ascend?, or who shall stand in this holy place?". He speaks of an ascent in consciousness, from the natural human thought pattern unto that of the mind of Christ rich in the knowledge of God.

The spiritual mindset of the one who has ascended, is the only one capable of knowing that the Lord fills all in all. It has not lifted its soul to vanity nor swore deceitfully; it cleaves to the Lord and the Lord alone. Its fiery eyes sees beyond the parables and is thus wholly aware that it is the Lord manifesting itself in all things, even in the inhabitants of the earth; He is the one above all, through all and in you all. This is the fulfillment of the great sign upon God's Elevated Mountain when the earth has become full with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. In this elevated spirit consciousness it becomes apparent that the Spirit is all in all; this knowledge is power, peace and rest forever.

The one who ascends awakens to the cry from the everlasting mountain declaring, "hear oh Israel, the Lord your God is One" and consequently unites with that One thus spontaneously fulfilling the law. This One is "I Am". When Jesus would say things like, "All that the Father has, is mine" and "All power in heaven and earth is given unto me", you can comprehend the fact that he had ascended into the identity of the One declaring itself as "I Am".

The words, "I ascend to my Father and your Father, my God and your God" is further proof to the fact that all men are branches of that celestial tree, "I Am". All have their origin in the Father, and all came out of God but to know this there must of a necessity be an ascent in consciousness.

The one who ascends stands on holy ground; this will mean walking in the name of the name of the Lord, the Spirit, because flesh and blood cannot in any way arrive here. Holy ground is the realm of the Lord from heaven. This is the way which the beasts (human reasoning) have not known, a path reserved for the Lord, when He returns back to Zion from his human experience.

Isaiah 35:8  And an highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The way of holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it; but it shall be for those: the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein. 9  No lion shall be there, nor any ravenous beast shall go up thereon, it shall not be found there; but the redeemed shall walk there: 10  And the ransomed of the LORD shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.

In your awakening you will know that you are His likeness and offshoot of the "I Am" and your true habitation is upon the everlasting heights of Zion. Having seen, heard and remembered the heights from where he has fallen, man repents by putting an end to carnal living and returns to Zion. This is the symbolic message passed to us when Moses met with the Lord - "I Am" in the burning bush. During this holy encounter, Moses' would pick up a serpent with bear hands in accordance with the sign of the believer given by Jesus. The serpent being a symbol of the terrestrial nature otherwise known as flesh and blood. Picking up the serpent reveals the one who has overcome the old human nature. The power of the resurrection walking in man lifts him up from the beasty nature of the fallen Adam back into the celestial nature and identity of the Lord from heaven.

John's vision of the one hundred and forty-four thousand standing upon Zion is a snapshot of those who have been redeemed from among men and do stand on holy ground (Revelations 14:1-5). These are no longer men living in mistaken identities of flesh and blood but rather offshoots of the one who was, who is, and who is to come. Having remembered there beginning in God, they have left aside human living to walk in the name of the Father. In their mouth was found no guile and they are virgins because they have recognized the "I Am" and do confess and live in solely unto that name. In your awakening, you will know that you are the one who was, who is and who is to come, the “I Am”.

Blessings to you.

Trevor Eghagha